I did a few projects at Brown University, but I think these pictures are from Boston College. This is just a test anyway, so it doesn’t really matter. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, blah blah blah
Man at skylight.
Old metal mansard roof condition.
Rotted wood at window bay.
Missing dentil block at cornice.
Pipe staging set up at Hotel Union.
Carpentry repairs at mansard roof.
Mansard dormer cladding installation.
New windows and copper at mansard dormer.
New copper mansard roof being installed.
Flashing installation at window opening.
Fully restored wood window bay.
Spread the word
Andrew Houle, RRC
Roof Design & Inspection, Inc.
1115 Tucker Road
Dartmouth, MA 02747
(tel.) 508-965-1793 andrew@roofdesign.biz